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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
TMC the media cafe 43
UANILLA cafe & garden grill 42
UP cafe +square 30
W UNFORKED cafe bar +square 16
WIDE SCREEN cafe 30, 32, 33
WOODLANDS garden cafe +man 31, 32
ZINEA cafe & restro bar 43
bigg boss the cafe +eye 43
cartridge cafe +ovals 35
eggiterian cafe +cartoon 43
international TATA cafe 30
le ROCK pub cafe +circles 42
master cafe +face & oval 30
south cafe +cartoon 43
sports cafe 28
techno cafe 42
the cafe BY CREAM CENTRE 29, 35
the ATRIUM cafe 16, 29, 31, 32, 33
the FASHION cafe 30
the big chill cafe +woman 30
caffe NERO 42
caffe RITAZZA 30
caffe VERONA 30
1919 BRISTOT caffe espresso 30
AMICI caffe +square 21, 32
MANUEL caffe +plant & oval 30
TESTA ROSSA caffe +face 30
ARLEKKINO caffetteria +clow 43
cage 44
CHANDRAKANTA +woman & cage 31
PARROT +cage & birds 21
PERCH +birds & cage 25
ROBIN brand +bird & cage 3
diffirantial cage P.K.S. 12
CONTE MAX +hat cain & circl 18, 25
P-caine 5
cairo feather 25
CAPE TO cairo 33
cak 3
cake 33
cake HUT 30
cake SQUARE 43
cake TREE 30
cake khazana +breads 42
108 detergent cake 3
21 washing cake 3
555 detergent cake 3
555 detergent cake +spiral 3
A.O. SAFAI detergent cake 3
AARUN detergent cake 3
ACHOOK detergent cake +arro 3
ACTIVE 401 detergent cake 3
ACTIVE POWER detergent cake 3
ADMIRAL detergent cake +man 3
cake 3
AKASH detergent cake 3
ALAI detergent cake 3
AMAR detergent cake 3
ANBU detergent cake 3
ANGEL detergent cake 3
ANJALI detergent cake 3
ANMOL 303 detergent cake 3
ANMOL pineapple tiffin cake 30
ANNAM detergent cake 3
ANOKHA detergent cake 3
ANU detergent cake 3
APOORVA detergent cake +ova 3
ARASAN detergent cake 3
ARASUU detergent cake 3
ARMY detergent cake 3
ARPAN detergent cake 3
ARROW detergent cake +arrow 3
ARUN +cake 30
ARUN washing cake 3
ASHA detergent cake white 3
ATR detergent cake +stripes 3
AURA detergent cake 3
AYNA detergent cake 3
BABA detergent cake 3
BACHAT detergent cake 3
BALIKA detergent cake +girl 3
BANAM detergent cake 3
BAPUJI cake +flowers 30
BAPUJI fruit cake +basket 30
BAPUJI tiffin cake 30
BARUA'S cake SURUCHI +circl 30
BHAIRAV detergent cake 3
BHANU detergent cake 3
BISK FARM RUSKIT cake rusk 30
BLUE DIAMOND detergent cake 3
BLUE MAGIC detergent cake 3
BLUE PINKI detergent cake 3
BONUS detergent cake 3
BOSS detergent cake 3
BRAUN +cake 29
BRINTHAL detergent cake 3
BRITANNIA fruit cake 30
BRITANNIA ribbon cake 30
BROWN & POLSON vanilla cake 30
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